How To Fix A KitchenAid Stand Mixer That Is Leaking Oil

Why Is My KitchenAid Stand Mixer Leaking OIl?

Your KitchenAid mixer is a hard-working machine and over time the grease that keeps its gears safe from damage can get old and begin to separate. 

When this oil begins to separate you may notice the following as a result of your KitchenAid mixer leaking oil:

  • Small amounts of oil in the bottom of your mixer bowl
  • Oil on the beater shaft
  • Oil around the planetary ring
  • Oil coming out of the speed control slots

 Another reason your mixer may be leaking oil is due to a damaged gasket.

However, regardless of which issue is causing this problem the easiest way to fix this issue is to take the mixer apart and regrease it.

NOTE: While you have the mixer opened up you can also check the gasket to make sure there is no damage there. 

Also once your KitchenAid Stand Mixer starts leaking oil it will not stop leaking oil until you replace the grease and possibly the gasket.

How To Help Prevent Oil From Leaking On A KitchenAid Stand Mixer

To minimize the chance of having your KitchenAid mixer leak oil you can follow these steps:

1.) Periodically turn the mixer on and let it run.

This can be done with or without something to mix, so if you are frequently using your mixer then you do not need to worry about this step.

2.) If the mixer is already leaking oil. Turn the mixer up to speed 10 and let it run 2 minutes before use. Wipe away any oil that came out after the 2 minutes.

This is a good method to use if you find yourself in a pinch and cannot get to change out the grease on your mixer.

However, it is usually best to just replace the grease to ensure you do not cause any damage to the gears.

 3.) Avoid overloading your mixer.

Letting your mixer to properly cool between mixes will help to prevent this from happening in the future.

 4.) After long periods of not using your mixer replace the grease as a preemptive measure.

If the idea of getting oil into your food even if it is from food-grade grease does not sound appealing be sure to replace the grease if you have not used your machine in a long time.

This will ensure that you do not encounter any issues once you start to use it.

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